Welcome to the Wonderful World of Qu Words
Welcome to our page of free printable Qu words with pictures flashcards! Whether you are teaching your child to talk, learning new English vocabulary, or using flashcards to help with speech therapy sessions, these free printables are bound to become an essential part of your learning journey.
Not only are they a fantastic aid for learning how to correctly pronounce Qu words but they will also provide helpful assistance when it comes to teaching students how to write and spell some tricky words.
Last but not least, you can also use them to complement a range of fun activities, whether in the classroom or at home, allowing your students to develop their confidence with both speaking and writing English.

Our Qu Words with Picture Flashcards Contain:
Here at Mandy’s Printables, we provide three free printable PDF flashcard files with 36 Qu words and pictures. Here is what each file features:
PDF File 1 Contains Qu Words:
Quiz, Square, Squint, Mosquito, Quokka, Quiche, Quarterback, Quarter, Quad, Quay, Quench, Quetzal
PDF File 2 Contains Qu Words:
Quill, Squirt, Equal, Squat, Bouquet, Quince, Quilt, Squid, Queen, Squirrel, Quarry, Liquid
PDF File 3 Contains Qu Words:
Quiet, Barbeque, Quick, Quail, Antique, Squeeze, Squash, Aqua, Quack, Question,Queue, Earthquake
How to Use These Flashcards
All you need to do in order to start using these flashcards is download them and print them out. You can then cut out each individual Qu word flashcard and use them to teach pronunciation and spelling, allowing your students to easily master these often-complex words and improve their reading and writing in no time.
Why Learn Qu Words?
Qu words are an important part of English vocabulary, so whether your child is just starting out with learning to read and write, or you are teaching someone the English language, these Qu words with pictures flashcards will be a big help.
Qu words form what is known as a digraph – a particular sound formed by a combination of two letters. Digraphs are an important part of the phonics system, which children are taught when they first start school. There are two main types of digraph: consonant digraphs and vowel digraphs. Some examples of consonant digraphs include: Qu, Ch, Ng, Sh, Th. Some examples of vowel digraphs include: Ea, Oa, Ie, Ue.
The Qu digraph is important for your child to learn because it forms a vital part of the English language. Learning Qu words with flashcards allows your child to expand their vocabulary and improve their spelling. Better yet, these pictures flashcards will improve their confidence and make it easier for them to pronounce and write Qu words.
As well as broadening your learner’s vocabulary and helping them with pronunciation, Qu words give an interesting insight into the English language. Most commonly, this digraph forms a /kw/ sound, as in queen or quokka. However, it can also make a /kei/ or /k/ sound, indicating words that have been adapted into English from other languages, such as French.
How Do You Learn Qu Words with Flashcards?
So, now that you have your free set of printable Qu word flashcards with pictures, it’s time to start using them! But what’s the best way to learn with flashcards? The fact is that there are a variety of ways you can use flashcards to improve pronunciation and spelling.
For instance, you can cut the words off the bottom of the flashcards and create separate piles of Qu words and images. You can then ask your students to match the word to the correct picture. This is a simple but effective vocabulary game that will soon familiarise your pupils with Qu words, how they are spelt, and what they mean. Once your students are familiar with the words, you can then hold up a picture and ask each child to come up to the board and correctly spell the word that matches the image.
Another picture flashcard idea is to play a game of Pictionary. Divide your class into two teams. One student at a time from each team will choose a random flashcard from the pile. They then need to go up to the board and draw a picture representing the Qu word on the card, while the other team guesses which word they are drawing. The team with the most correct guesses wins!
Need some more inspiration? Why not use these picture flashcards for a classroom spelling bee? Hold up an image and ask each student to correctly spell the Qu word that goes with the picture. This kind of activity will help them to master the spelling of Qu words in no time while also bringing a friendly sense of competition into the classroom.
Finally, a game that your learners are guaranteed to enjoy involves presenting each student with two Qu word picture flashcards and asking them to make a sentence that includes both words. It doesn’t matter if the words they have been given include ‘queen’ and ‘quokka’, they still have to come up with a sentence, and the more inventive the better! Perhaps you could even award a prize to the student who comes up with the most creative sentence using their Qu word flashcards!
Other Qu Words
If you were wondering how many ‘qu’ words there are in the English language, the answer may surprise you – a grand total of 972! As we’ve already mentioned, many of these words were introduced to the English language over the centuries from other European languages, such as French.
Some of the Qu words you may like to familiarise yourselves with include: boutique, quantity, quibble, quirk, squawk, squirm, unique, vanquish, liquid, cheque, and sequin.
While many of these Qu words won’t crop up in the early years of your child’s education, you might like to learn them yourself, so you have extra vocabulary to draw on the next time you’re playing a competitive family game of Scrabble.
More Fun Printable Activities You Can Try
As you can see, our free printable Qu word picture flashcards are a simple but effective (not to mention fun) way to teach spelling and pronunciation. However, we also have a whole host of other fun, free printable activities you can try, ranging from printable chessboards to pin the tail on the donkey templates, perfect for your child’s next birthday party.
So, what are you waiting for? Switch on your printer, choose a fun free template, and let the games begin!