Printable Pizza Toppings And Base

Are you looking for a fun resource for a budding little chef or your pizza-obsessed kid? Well we at Mandys Printables have the perfect resource for you with this free Printable Pizza Toppings and Base activity – it’s really customisable, great for kids looking to exercise their creativity, and it’ll make for some colorful fun.

Let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a pizza? This will be a resource that everyone will love, young and old, fussy eater or not! It encourages kids to think about their own likes and dislikes, and gets them to build and create their very own piece of art that relates to a food they love.

It can work to teach them different vocabulary if they’re really young, and depending on the activity can work their creativity, problem solving, or get them active.

Keep reading below to find out how you can join in on the pizza crafts! 

What’s Included in our Printable Pizza Topping Templates

You can see all of the different elements included in these Printable Pizza Toppings and Base pictures. There are 4 different sheets included. First there is a pizza base picture, which has been left plain intentionally. Then the next 3 sheets all contain pizza toppings, so you can create a wide variety of different types of pizzas. Here are the toppings:

  1. Mushrooms
  2. Black Olives
  3. Pineapple
  4. Meat
  5. Pepper
  6. Tomatoes
  7. Onions
  8. Lettuce

All you have to do with these 4 sheets is right click them and save the image to your device or computer. From there, the image is really simple to print out as many times as you need.

It may be a good idea to print out a few different pizza bases, but you likely won’t need as many copies of the pizza toppings as they include multiple of each one.

It will be great cutting out practice for your little ones to cut out the pizza bases and their toppings. And it may be a great idea for you to laminate these pizza cut outs – to make them more durable and so you can reuse them. Just stick things on with a reusable adhesive for ease and less mess.

pizza toppins
printable pizza toppings
printable pizza toppings

Activity Ideas for these Printable Pizza Templates

There are many different things you could do with these pizza cut outs.

With the laminated pizza base you can have ‘decorate your own pizza’ parties. Kids grab their base, then add toppings on. They can design their ideal pizza to eat, or even make an artistic pizza design as an art piece.

This would be a great activity to plan alongside an actual pizza party! Either just as a fun activity, or as a guide of what toppings kids would like on their pizzas. Using the pizza cutout they create, you can then make these into real pizzas they can eat. It will be really satisfying for kids to eat their own creations.

Or even at a larger party, just leave this as a small activity for kids to do if they have finished their food before everyone else, or they need a quiet activity to do.

For even more creativity, you could get your kids to design their own pizza toppings for the bases. This would be great for if their favourite one is missing – say they love chicken, feta or even chillies! Get them to draw these out and you have your own pizza toppings to add.

Or it would be a great opportunity for drawing and more artistic abilities. Grab a copy of a pizza base and get them to draw their favourite toppings on. Or let them design an artistic pizza they think looks the best. The limit is your imagination when it comes to this as an activity!

Of course there are also a number of games you could play with this pizza craft activity.

You could use this pizza activity sheet as a way to help your kids with their vocabulary. Add a topping onto a pizza and get your kids to tell you what it is. Or practice their spelling by getting them to write it out for you! Or even tell them to place a topping in a specific place, and they must pick out the correct topping and follow the instructions to do it correctly.

Another fun activity that would be a great quiet game would be a spot the difference. Decorate two pizzas which are similar but have some sneaky differences, then place them both in front of the kids and get them to identify the differences between them. This would be great for their problem solving and concentration skills.

It would also be really fun to incorporate within other games. One of these would be a scavenger hunt. Give each kid a pizza base and hide a number of toppings around the room. Tell them to create a specific type of pizza (a vegetable, pepperoni, or Hawaiian for example) and they must go around the room and find all of the pieces they need, while not being distracted by those that they don’t!

Or it would be a fun active game as part of a relay race. In order to build the full pizza they must complete their leg of the relay before they can each add a topping on. Their leg could include a run, or an obstacle course. When they have completed it, they can add on the topping and the next team member must go. The first to complete their pizza wins!

Other Great Printables

If you loved these pizza printables and toppings activity then feel free to check out some of the other fun printables we have.

Like these Free Printable Fish Outline Templates which are another way to have some fun whilst being creative with your kids.

Or for something a little more focused on learning, try these Printable Dinosaur Flashcards . If there are two things kids love, it’s both dinosaurs and pizza!

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