Printable Flags Of The World

Flags aren’t just colorful symbols – they are representations of the history, pride and identity of countries all over the world. If you have a curious kid who wants to learn about geography and the world, or if you’re a teacher looking for a great new resource then we have just the thing for you with these free Printable Flags of the World

With colorful and accurate representations of each country’s flag, there is not only many educational activities you can do – but also lots of fun you can have!

It’s perfect for kids of all ages – you can either keep it simple and play games with them, or you can make it more interactive and use them for educational teaching and games. It would even make a perfect informative classroom display.

Keep reading on to discover how to get your hands on these 150 free Printable Flags of the World!

What’s Included Our 150 Printable Flags Package

Included in this resource is 150 different free and printable flags. They represent 150 of the most recognisable and notable countries in the world – so it’s pretty useful to know these flags!

Countries which you will find included in this set of world flags are ones like:

  • The USA
  • The UK
  • Spain
  • Canada
  • India
  • Mexico
  • Japan
  • Russia
  • Australia
  • Thailand
  • Peru

and many more!

Just click the button at the top of this page to download all 150 free printable world flags. You’ll be downloading them in a simple PDF format that is easy to download onto your computer or device, and then easy to print whenever you want.

The world flags are in a large format – it’s just one flag per page. This means that the pictures are high quality and your flag print outs should be too. It’s much simpler and more effective to focus on just one flag at a time.

Printable kuwait Flag
Printable latvia Flag
Printable lebanon Flag
Printable new zealand Flag
Printable norway Flag
Printable poland Flag
Printable portugal Flag
Printable russia Flag
Printable scotland Flag
Printable spain Flag
Printable ukraine arab emirates Flag
Printable united arab emirates Flag
Printable united kingdom Flag
Printable united states of america Flag
Printable uruguay Flag
Printable uzbegistan Flag
Printable vanuatu Flag
Printable venezuela Flag
Printable vietnam Flag
Printable wales Flag
Printable yemen Flag
Printable Zimbabwe Flag

Ideas to Use These World Flags

There are many different ways you could use these printable world flags! But read on further for some inspiration from us on games you can play, crafts you can do, and ways they can be used in the classroom.

Games to Play

An educational and fun game you could play would be a country flags of the world trivia game. Simply hold up a flag and get your kid to tell you what country it’s from. To make it more competitive you could track what ones they get correct and keep score, or you could play it with a group of kids and see who can get the most correct answers! A little competition can be very motivating for kids to focus better and remember answers for the next time they play.

If your kid is older you can even make it more challenging by not only requiring the name of the country but other pieces of trivia too. For example you may also want the continent it’s on, the capital city of the country, the language or languages people speak there, and other facts like these.

A bingo game would also be a great mix of education and fun. Find or create bingo cards with the names of countries of the world on them. Then use these printable flags to show them to your kids and they must work out what country it’s from before they can mark it off on their bingo card!

Or it would also be fantastic for a memory matching game. Print out some flags and names of the countries they’re from, lay them on a surface face down, then kids have to take turns to flip two at a time and match a flag and a country. If they match it, they can keep them and the kid with the most cards at the end wins.

Arts and Crafts Activities

You could task your kids or students to design their own flag. Look together at the flags of the world we’ve provided, and you can even learn a little about why they look like they do. Then plan and design your own flag to represent you as a person! You must consider what colours and shapes you would use, and think about what would represent you best.

A great travel-related idea would be to use these downloadable flags of the world to help you create a scrapbook. Either use the flags to help you create pages dedicated to the countries you have already visited, or you can gather all of the flags of countries you wish to travel to. Then add these into a scrapbook and one day when you get to travel there, you can add in pictures beside it!

Teacher’s Resources

As well as playing the educational games and activities above, there are some specific ways these would be great in a classroom. Firstly this would be as a classroom display board. Put all of the different flags of the world up around your classroom to help your kids learn them every day while they’re there!

Or they would be great as a geography lesson tool – to help teach about countries of the world, or for teaching about a specific country. They’d be great as pages in an interactive notebook where students can research each country and write out what they’ve learned!

For older kids they would also be a great starting point for a Model UN activity, to teach them about world politics and work on their debating skills too! Or even just great for some decoration – as world flags bunting.

Check Out Some Other Cool Printables

If you loved just how useful this fun resource was, then we have plenty more where that came from!

Check out our Free Printable Cloud Templates. Not only are they useful for teaching kids about the weather and clouds, but they’re great for arts and crafts too.

Or for something a little different to keep the fun going, have a look at our 30 Printable Kids Crossword Puzzles

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