Free Printable Dinosaur Clipart

Although dinosaurs are long extinct, their appeal to so many people lives on! That’s why I’ve designed these Free Printable Dinosaur Clip Art images for the dinosaur lovers in your life.

Whether your dinosaur enthusiast is at home, in your classroom, or it’s yourself – then you’re in the correct place! These Clip Art images are packed with adorable and high-quality images that will spark creativity for many different projects.

There are 9 different images to select from, each as cute as the last one. Keep reading to find out more and get some inspiration on how to use them.

free dinosaur clipart

What’s Included in Our Dinosaur Clipart

Our Free Printable Dinosaur Clip Art has, as we’ve said, 9 different dinosaur illustrations included. They’re all different colors, have different features, and are standing in different ways. Have a look now, can you spot your favorite type of dinosaur included!?

Each dinosaur is drawn in a fun and friendly style which is perfect for all ages and all different types of uses.

In order to download them, all you have to do is right click the image you would like and save it to your computer or device. Either this or just click the image normally and it’ll open a larger version which you can then right click and save in the same way. It’s simple!

Then you’re ready to begin crafting right away!

Ideas for Projects with These Free Printable Dinosaur Clipart Images

There are lots of different things you can do with these images, whether you’re a parent, a teacher, or someone who just loves dinosaurs.

Here’s a list of simple and creative things you can do with these clip art images of dinosaurs:

  • Use them as drawing practice – try your best to replicate them

  • Trace them for an easier drawing practice. Then you can color them in!

  • Put them onto posters to make a collage. Great for a dinosaur lover or even as a decoration for your classroom.

  • Use them as classroom materials. They’re great for brightening up and making resources like flash cards more fun and engaging. Or as we suggested above, get creative with your classroom decorations!

Or if you’re looking for some crafting to do to get creative then have a go at one of these ideas:

  • Use cut out dinosaur clip art images as add-ins for your favorite scrapbook pages. Great for remembering visits to the natural history museum!

  • Use the images as decorations for a fun dinosaur themed greeting card. What better way to wish someone happy birthday than with a homemade card titled ‘Have a roar-some birthday!’ and an awesome image of a dinosaur right beside it!

  • Create a stand for the image to make it a 3D dinosaur picture! Make a stand out of strong card, lollipop sticks or something similar and make it a great decoration for your room.

  • Similarly, attach one of these dinosaur images to a lollipop stick or something like a sock and you have home-made dinosaur puppets to play with!

  • Or instead craft a home made dinosaur themed baby mobile. On the mobile, attach your favorite cute dinosaur images – start them young!

  • Use them as party supplies! Get creative with your decorations with fun garlands, posters, and even for fun name settings.

More Fun Printables to Explore

If you loved my Free Printable Dinosaur Clip Art images, you’re in for a treat! You’ll find even more fun and creative resources on my site. Be sure to check out the Free Printable Girl Clip Art images and the Free Printable Boy Clip Art images. These clip art collections are perfect for a variety of projects, from school crafts to personal designs.

For something a bit more interactive and creative, I also have a great option for you—Printable Pictionary Words for Kids. This fun game can keep kids engaged while helping them develop their drawing and guessing skills. It’s a fantastic way to bring some extra excitement to any family or classroom activity!

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