Printable Connect 4 Template ( 3 Designs )
Whether you’re looking for an enjoyable boredom-buster for the kids, a quirky homework aid, or a novel way to teach them strategy, our free printable Connect 4 template is bound to be the solution you’ve been looking for. With the help of our colourful printables, your children can soon get caught up in the thrill and excitement of this time-honoured game, without you having to spend a single penny.
So delightfully simple to play, this traditional game can be used in a surprising variety of fun-filled ways to help your kids master a different subject. Alternatively, you can use our template as an easy but effective way to keep the family occupied on a rainy day. All you need is a printer and you’re good to go!

How to play Connect 4
To play Connect 4 using our printable template, all you need to do is download the template and print it out. Assemble some marker pens to colour in the circles (dry-erase pens are recommended) and you can start playing! The aim of this two-player game is very simple – the first person to colour in 4 circles in a row in any direction is the winner!
To make the game even more interesting, we’ve provided not just one but a grand total of three unique templates for you to print and use.
Connect 4 Game Template 1
Classically simple, this black and white template may be monochrome in colour but there’s no denying the vibrancy of the enjoyment you will get out of it! Don’t forget to use erasable pens or pencils to colour in the circles, and we also recommend that you laminate your templates, or invest in a special folder for them, as this will prevent them from getting damaged. That way, you can use them over and over again!
Connect 4 Game Template 2
This stunning blue printable Connect 4 template is sure to brighten up any board game session! Simply download and print it out and you’re ready to play!
Connect 4 Game Template 3
If blue isn’t your favourite colour, never fear, this eye-catching purple Connect 4 template is sure to attract your attention. The ideal choice for any family with a penchant for purple, you are sure to have hours of fun with the help of this free printable Connect 4 game.
Benefits of playing Connect 4
While it may seem like a very simple game, the truth is that playing Connect 4 with your kids can bring them a number of attractive benefits.
For younger children, colouring in the circles provides plenty of fun while also helping them to improve their dexterity and their problem-solving skills. For older kids, a game of Connect 4 introduces them to the art of strategising and boosts their critical thinking. You can even use it as a revision aid; for example, you can ask them a series of questions about a particular subject they’re studying in school. Every time they answer correctly, they get to colour in a circle. The first child to ‘connect four’ is the winner!
Connect 4 Tips and Strategies
Keen to learn some fun facts about Connect 4, as well as some invaluable tips and tricks that will improve your chances of winning? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
For starters, did you know that the seemingly humble game of Connect 4, with its seven columns and six rows, offers more than 4.5 trillion possible solutions? With such a gargantuan number of potential ploys, how then do you improve your odds of scoring a win? Well, the good news is, it’s easier than you may think:
- Be the first player.
That’s right, whichever player goes first already has a better chance of emerging victorious – that’s because they get more control over how the game plays out. Of course, you still have to put a bit of work in, for example, by making sure you block your opponent when they try and create a row of four circles, while simultaneously choosing a circle that will help you to score. Going first is no guarantee of a win, as you may have a very skilled opponent – but it certainly helps!
- Take the middle road.
Choosing a particular column to fill with your coloured circles can also help to improve your chances of a win, with the middle column being most likely to give you an edge. This is because, however you opt to colour your circles, one of them will be in the middle. Gaining control of this part of the board, therefore, gives you a fighting chance.
- Think before you colour.
This probably goes without saying, but if you are the second player, then it’s really important that you think carefully before you react to whatever move player 1 has just made. After all, if you make the wrong move, you’re boosting their chances of swiftly securing a win.
- Go for the bottom of the board.
Finally, according to Connect 4 strategy experts, one of the best ways to win is by dominating the bottom row, colouring three circles in a line if you can. By doing so, you set up two potential threats – and your opponent will only be able to block one of them with their next move. This is a particularly good method to use if the person you’re playing with is a little distracted, as they’re less likely to notice what you’re doing!
More fun printable activities to consider
As you can see, with the help of our fun free printable Connect 4 template, you and your kids can have heaps of fun while giving your brains a workout at the same time. However, Connect 4 isn’t the only free printable activity we offer that can produce the same enjoyment and feeling of family closeness. We have plenty more printables to choose from, each one more thrilling than the last!
Whether you want to try your hands at a game of chess – now there’s a good game for teaching strategy! – play some blackjack with our printable playing cards or test your knowledge of emojis, we have the perfect printable for you.